The Health Management & Policy Governance Lab analyzes politics and policymaking to understand how these factors contribute to our health.

Considering Policy Alignment in Pandemic Response

The Role of Cardiovascular Disease in U.S. Life Expectancy; Stalls Due to CVD, Not Drug Deaths
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) trends have shed new light on life expectancy movement in the United States. The stall in U.S. life expectancy may have a greater relation to the prevalence of CVD than to drug related deaths.

The Post-Truth Pandemic
The inability to communicate across class, ethnic, and political lines is by no means a new problem. However, as is the case for so many social tensions, the events of the past year have put this failure to communicate in high relief.

Polarization of a Covid-19 Vaccine
Convincing the public of the safety and efficacy of a new vaccine will be a considerable challenge in a climate of extreme polarization of opinion.

Political Culture and Lockdown Policy
Liberal democracies, like most European countries and the United States, have a cultural aversion to lockdowns and the sacrifices necessary to make them effective.

Partisanship and geography- How elites talk about public health emergencies in the United States
What do politicians really care about when it comes to public health emergencies? We find that their parties and their districts are what matter.

PHE, RIP- The botched elimination of England's public health agency is just a symptom
The hasty mid-pandemic reorganisation of England’s public health agency is just another symptom of broader problems in UK governance.